This morning Jo and I were commenting that we hadn't received any post today, and that neither of us have had any exciting post for quite a while. Yesterday when the post came and I saw a handwritten envelope with handwriting I didn't recognise on it addressed to me so got all excited, only to find it was just a receipt for my FP fees. How disappointing. About five minutes after this conversation, there was a rat-a-tat-tat at the door and it was the postman with a parcel each for Jo and I and a postcard for me- oh how exciting!! This was the postcard:

A while ago I came across
this website and what they're doing sounded like fun so I thought I'd join in. I simply had to send an e-mail requesting a postcard and I received one with a challenge that I have to do - everyone gets a different challenge. Once completed, I have to e-mail them a photo. How much fun is that?! Here's the challenge:

My parcel contained the book seen below, which I am very excited about reading - thankyou very very much, Mum and Dad, I really appreciate it.

There's a whole lot more that I want to blog about - it's funny how blogging goes through seasons of lots and little to write about. Maybe I'll post again before bed if I have enough time!
Glad you got the book and I hope you enjoy it. I am jealous, because my parcel hasn't arrived yet and I ordered it at the same time. Love Dad
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