Sunday, February 10, 2008

wonderful weekend

This weekend our church went on a weekend away to Kidderminster. We had an amazing time together. It is just incredible the way God loves us and there is absolutely nothing in this world like catching a glimpse of his glory.

Here are a few photos from my 11 mile run this morning...

I'm off to training on Tuesday so there won't be any blogging happening until next week, sadly.

When I get back to Bristol I am thoroughly excited about finally getting to use the photographic society's editing suite, so I can do a whole load of scanning and playing and printing - my membership card arrived in the post yesterday. I have been trying to get hold of it for months but to no avail, due to my busy schedule always clashing with any event of meeting that photosoc are having. Fortunately, one of the committee members was kind enough to post it to me. Thnankyou Bo. (He lived in the same uni accommodation as me in the first year, but I am 100% sure he doesn't know that. Yet another person who I remember but who's had virtually no involvement in my life!)

1 comment:

David Barnes said...

Lovely sunrise (top pic)!