Jo and I had a productive planning time in the most excellent Tinto Lounge, accompanied with good coffee and lounge eggs...

I had a great evening babesitting, where I got to sew some cards and some trousers...

Helen came round and we had a scrumdidliumptious chicken caesar salad - the best I've ever had. If thee would like the recipe, let me know. Delicious...
Then we went to The Old duke which is a pub that has live jazz all week long. We met a Chilean dude who had just arrived in England and had not slept for 32 hours...Here are the Severn Jazzmen...
I baked some sponge drops for the celebration of Sarah's birth - man - having a missing letter is frustrating!
Here is a close up of the inside...
And here is a massive beautiful green beetle (not sure what it was) that flew around our patio a lot and loved our flowers...
Then I made mousse for 40 people which went rather wrong but turned out ok in the end...(thanks Mum for all the advice - I love u.)

Just be glad you don't have to provide a bi-lingual version of your blog for those across the border. :)
Mum says, "I love you too!"
sounds like: "whai"?
I've struggled through this, but with more common letters - my solution was to find a word with the letter in on a website, or wherever, copy it and then Ctrl+v whenever I needed it - pain in the bum!
Thank you for your comments. :)
It's nice seeing these little snapshots.
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