Friday, January 30, 2009

the grace of childhood

I stumbled across this quote today, and it sums up the thought that frequently crosses my mind when I marvel at how children are.

An adult is one who has lost the grace, the freshness, the innocence of the child,
who is no longer capable of feeling pure joy, who makes everything complicated,
who spreads suffering everywhere, who is afraid of being happy, and who,
because it is easier to bear, has gone back to sleep. The wise man is a happy child.

-Arnaud Desjardins

The things that are marvelous about children are, in their very nature, marvelous because adults are no longer like this. There is something so lovely about the carefree-ness of children that adults lose, like the little girl I walked past today who was dressed up in a princess outfit, standing in the hallway, moving her head and body from side to side as though she was lost in a song singing in her little head, while she waited for her mother to return from dropping off a sibling...

I often wonder why some adults detest children. I wonder what happened in the stage of transition between childhood & adulthood that makes it seem like they have completely forgotten what it was like to live in the freedom of childhood, getting cross with children for simply being children.

I have to say, I don't agree 100% with Mr. Desjardins, but I like the essence of what he is saying.

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