Sunday, January 07, 2007


i am in love. But not with a man, with a book. Perhaps the most wonderful recipe book I've ever laid my eyes on. I discovered the delights of this culinary, artistic genuis just before Christmas and have invested in a copy. Who is this wonderful person? I hear you ponda. Tessa Kiros. A very cool lady with very beautiful children and very wonderful recipes. I bought her book called 'Apples for Jam', which has lots of recipes in it that characterised her childhood, that are fun to make for kids and are just very cool.

So, it's been a while since my last post, I know. I had a lovely time back in the Bay with the cool crew. We had some wild times on sing star - if you want to see some photos of me getting my groove on, check out katy's blog. Love it. It was great to see my siblings again, although with sarah quickly stepping into my shoes of chief-socialite of the family, and with john jetting off to Barcelona, we didn't have enough time together. Here is a photo of two of my siblings on our walk along Neptune's arm on Herne Bay seafront. Legends.

This week back in Bristol has been great. I've had the pleasure and priviledge of cooking for friends most nights of this week, and each time I have ended up cooking for about twice as many people as I had anticipated, which I love! I always want there to be enough food for one more mouth. I even had a twelve week old baby round! although he didn't eat at the table, he just sat and watched us eat, and got unhappy when he didn't get enough attention! Eating with friends is a wonderful thing. I think I have used that word a little too many times in this entry - sorry!

I have been writing this whilst listening to one of my medic flatmates 'percuss' a guys' lower torso. I am proud to say that I have already learnt to distinguish between the sounds - so I can hear the sound change between resonant and dull; when you percuss over a solid mass, like the liver, the sound is dull. Cool stuff.


curlyjo said...

It was really good to catch up with you when you were down here. Glad to hear your time back in Bristol has been fun, you sure do keep busy little Miss!

Love ya.


SB said...

although with sarah quickly stepping into my shoes of chief-socialite of the family
wats tht ment to mean??? eh? eh?

SB said...

thats from me, sarah btw

SB said...

o so thats wat dus....

SB said...

the a one hmmm
am i making sense?

SB said...

hmm bad photo