I've just got in from childminding. School pick up was a highly eventful affair today. I won't go into the details, but lets just say I had to do a whole lot of consoling, reasoning, running and rounding up of children, and managed to make one of the girls late for her dance class. The first half of the pick up had gone fine - I had to pick up the youngest an hour earlier than his sisters. As we went back to his friend's house for some juice, he ran alongside his friend, excitedly talking about how he was 'running at the speed of life' which I thought sounded quite exciting!
The second sister who is 7, was so tired and fed up that for the last part of the journey home she complained about how I was making her walk half a million miles and that we still had 100 miles to go, making the whole journey 2 million miles. (Which even to my poor maths brain does not quite add up!!) It was going to be absolutely futile to even think about disputing / correcting this 'fact' about the distance of the walk home so instead I somehow managed to turn the conversation round to talking about this 7 year old's dream house. She really got into describing the detail of this house to me, and it sounded truly wonderful - especially the rooftop garden where you could lie and watch the stars (with a protective cover in case of rain).
The rest of the evening went smoothly, and I ended up spending the last part of the evening doing something which is becoming a bit of a frequent habit for me - falling asleep sitting on a sofa while reading. The only thing is, I tend to do this when I don't have my head resting on anything, so I end up replicating the motions of a nodding dog, but am too emmersed in a dream state to do anything about it. Last week when I was babysitting for another family, I even managed to fall asleep whilst in the middle of texting, and dropped my phone. So I picked it up again, only to promptly drop it again!
The cycle ride home was oh so very cold. It was the type of cold that leaves you struggling to catch breaths because your chest has tensed up in defiance against the cold, and where your ears start off feeling like they're burning then progress to just really hurting because of the bitter wind rushing past them. My journey home is almost completely downhill, and the only respite from this attack on my ears came when I had to cycle up a bit of a hill - not something I would normally call 'respite', but in this instance it was. I am so thankful that I have a lovely warm home to come home to.
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