There are simply not enough hours in today to get everything done that I need to. There is no way I could have done anything differently to have made more time, there just isn't enough. I've got training this week in Wimbledon. Normally this means getting up at 4.45am to get to Wimbledon for 9am. However, tonight we have got a party that I am partially responsible for, and so have to attend. Don't get me wrong - I really want to be there, but as it's at a hired venue, I need to stay until our guests leave then clear up. We have the room booked until 2am. I am pretty hopeful that none of our guests will actually stay that late, but in view of the late night, Sarah decided that she would drive back to her parents' house in Windsor, and get up at a relatively normal time to go to Wimbledon, as it's only an hour or so away from Windsor, as opposed to 3 and a half. So I decided to go back with her, as I would rather go to bed super late and get up at a normal hour than go to bed late and get up ludicrously early. Either way, I'm going to be pretty tired come lunchtime tomorrow.
I am already pretty tired as I went out twice this weekend, which is a lot for me. When I say I 'went out', I don't just mean leave the house - I do this all the time. I mean actually go out for the evening. On Friday night I went to see a friend's band play and left the house at 10pm. That is bedtime, not time to go out. I did the same the following night, but this time to see my friend Adam compete in the Bristol heat of the national beatboxing championships. He was amazing, and it was a great night - I loved both nights, but I didn't love going to bed at 1.30am and getting up for a one hour run at 7.15am. So it is for this reason that I am drinking good yummy real coffee at 4.30 in the afternoon. Normally this would mean it would take me an hour instead of a minute (quite literally) to get to sleep, but as I'm not planning on going to sleep for a good few hours yet, I'm not too worried.
Right, I now have an hour to plan worship for youth this evening, pack for the week, finish my essay and have a shower, oh and have a bit of dinner. Ha! How is that going to happen?!
1 comment:
oh man, you're going to enjoy Spain - 10pm is about two hours too early to go out ;)
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